
My concept for these advertising images promoting a fictional brand of spectacles, SPECS, was created by giving the spectacles a theme, in this case, Valentines Day. From here the images were developed into graphic, simplistic designs with vibrant features on each image and at least one select piece of text being filled red to add vibrancy to the advertisement, grabbing the viewers eye. 

The image above was the first image which was conceptualised. By taking a photo of lipstick on a page, this was then traced, layering was necessary to adjust the colour to red, and finally the image had to be composited onto the glasses, so the transparency of the outline had to be implemented. 

The above image was created by using a brush which allowed for the heart shapes to be added. The image of the glasses was traced, and the lens of the glass was masked, a layer of white was painted onto a transparent layer and then the original glasses trace was placed beneath giving the lens a sheen, which allowed the image to be softer on the eye. 

The image above is my personal favourite and I find the image very effective. The image of the glasses was masked again and the layer of white was added to create the fogged/steamed effect on the lens. I then used the eraser tool to remove some of the white to create the impression of condensation dripping down the lens. I then used an image of a condom in its wrapping, which was then traced and the perspective was adjusted to create realism. I then used the blur to remove some detail from the condom wrapper to make the condom less imposing within the image. 

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